Peak Peers / Cyfoedion Peak 2024
Yn ystod wyth diwrnod a aeth yn oerach ac yn oerach yn ystod hydref a gaeaf 2024, daeth 11 o Bobl Ifanc (18-30 oed) at ei gilydd yn y Mynyddoedd Duon ar gyfer rhaglen Cyfoedion Peak, i drafod, creu ac archwilio themâu perthyn, hawliau tir, a chreadigrwydd yng nghefn gwlad.
Daeth y criw at ei gilydd ar safleoedd Peak, ar Blatfform 2 yng Ngorsaf Drenau’r Fenni ac yn yr Hen Ysgol yng Nghrughywel, cyn mynd allan i afonydd, tiroedd comin a chorsydd gydag artistiaid, gwyddonwyr ac ymgyrchwyr, gan ddod i nabod a chysylltu gyda’r dirwedd.
I’w cyflwyno i’r rhaglen, gosododd y grŵp eu hunain yn y cwm a gyda’i gilydd:
Aethon ni am dro o Orsaf Drenau’r Fenni i Afon Wysg gydag Alan Bowring, i drafod hanes y dirwedd;
Buon ni’n darllen rhyddiaith a barddoniaeth gyda Jannat Ahmed, yn treulio amser yn sgwennu yn yr orsaf, ac yn rhannu breuddwydion bach a mawr.
Dros y penwythnos cyntaf, buon ni’n edrych yn chwilfrydig ar y dirwedd gynnil ac ansefydlog:
Sgwrsion ni â’r artist Manon Awst am ei gwaith, ac yn bennaf am ei diddordeb mewn mawndiroedd;
Ymwelon ni â chyforgors Waun Ddu gyda Manon ac Alan Bowring i brofi’r dirwedd, i edrych yn ofalus, ac i ddogfennu drwy eiriau a lluniau.
Cwrddon ni â Sam Ridge i glywed am y gwaith o adfer y mawndiroedd gyda Pharc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog.
Ysgrifennon ni ‘farddoniaeth gors’ ar ôl ymweld â’r safle, a siarad am ein cysylltiadau â’r tir rydyn ni’n byw arno.
Yna, creodd y grŵp gors freuddwydiol gan ddefnyddio testun amlieithog a chyfrwng cymysg, i ddod a phrofiadau pawb at ei gilydd.
Roedd yr ail benwythnos yn edrych ar Fynediad at Dir a chyfryngau ymgyrchu traddodiadol, gan gynnwys:
Cerdded yn Nyffryn Mynwy, dan arweiniad Jon Moses a Nadia Sheikh o Right to Roam, gan drafod beth sy’n diffinio cefn gwlad, a phwy sy’n berchen ar y tir, gan dynnu sylw at y ffyngau a’r adar lleol wrth fynd;
Galw heibio i eglwys Cilpeddeg a siarad am y dychmygol gwledig;
Dod â phawb at ei gilydd drwy greu, gyda’r grŵp yn creu cyfres o Faneri Tecstilau dan arweiniad George H. Wale a chyfranogydd o raglen Cyfoedion Peak 2023, Dan Williams;
Mynd am dro gyda’r baneri drwy Grughywel at yr Afon Wysg fel bod modd iddyn nhw fodoli yn y dirwedd.
Yn ystod y trydydd penwythnos, sef y penwythnos olaf, archwiliodd y grŵp lwybrau at ymgorfforiad a diddordebau personol.
Cyflwynodd yr artist Beverley Bennett gyfres o weithgareddau llais gan We Rise, gan roi sylw i ofal a chysur.
Mewn grwpiau o ddau neu dri, cydweithiodd y cyfranogwyr ar brosiect yn y cyfrwng o’u dewis, gan fyfyrio ar y rhaglen.
I gloi, aethon ni ati i rannu prosiectau pawb, o gylchgronau i faneri gwlân a pherfformiadau, gyda Chyfoedion Peak o 2023 yn y gynulleidfa.
Zeta – Cynorthwyydd Cynhyrchu Cyfoedion Peak
Diolch i’r holl gyfranogwyr, artistiaid, hwyluswyr, cynhyrchwyr a phawb a oedd yn rhan o wneud i raglen Cyfoedion Peak 2024 ddigwydd, ac yn bwysicaf oll, diolch i holl Gyfoedion Peak am roi cymaint i’r rhaglen a chefnogi a rhannu’r amser yma gyda’n gilydd.
Through eight progressively chillier autumn and winter days in 2024, Peak Peers brought together 11 Young People (18-30) in and around the Black Mountains to discuss, create and explore themes of belonging, land rights and creativity in a rural context.
The group met at Peak’s sites in Platfform 2 at Abergavenny Train Station and Yr Hen Ysgol in Crickhowell, as well as going out to rivers, commons and bogs with artists, scientists and activists, getting to know and connecting with the landscape.
As an introduction to the programme, the group located themselves in the valley and with each other.
We took a walk down from Y Fenni Train Station to the Usk River with Alan Bowring and talked about the history of the landscape;
We read prose and poetry with Jannat Ahmed, spent time writing in the station and shared small and big dreams.
The first full weekend was spent approaching a subtle and unstable landscape with curiosity.
We had a chat with artist Manon Awst on her work, mainly her current interest in peatlands;
We visited Waun Ddu Raised Bog with Manon and Alan Bowring to experience the landscape, look closely and document through words and images.
We met with Sam Ridge to hear about restoration of peatlands with the Bannau Brycheiniog national park.
We wrote ‘bog poetry’ following the visit to the site and talked about our connections to the lands we inhabit.
The group then made a dream bog using multilingual text and mixed media to bring everyone’s experiences together.
The second weekend revolved around Land Access and traditional activist mediums, including:
Walked the Monnow Valley, guided by Jon Moses and Nadia Sheikh from Right to Roam, discussing what defines the rural, and who owns the land, while pointing out local fungi and birds along the way;
Stopped by Kilpeck church and talked about the rural imaginary;
Bringing everything together through making, the group created a series of Textile Banners guided by George H. Wale and 2023 Peak Peers participant, Dan Williams;
Took a walk down with the banners through Crickhowell to the Usk River so they could also exist in the landscape.
During the third and closing weekend, the group explored pathways to embodiment and personal interests.
Artist Beverley Bennett introduced a series of embodiment voice activities from We Rise, drawing attention to care and comfort.
In pairs or threes, participants collaborated on a project in the medium of their choice, reflecting on the programme.
To close, we hosted a small sharing of everyone’s projects, from zines to wool banners and performances, with Peak Pears from 2023 in the audience.
Zeta – Peak Peers Production Assistant
Thank you to all contributors, artists, facilitators, producers and everyone that was involved in making Peak Peers 2024 happen, and most importantly, thanks to all of the Peak Peers themselves for giving so much to the programme and supporting and sharing this time together.

Peak Peers 2024 was an 8-day programme inviting young people to explore themes of land, belonging, activism and creativity rooted in the Black Mountains and Welsh Borders. The programme took place across September, October and November 2024 and included creative workshops, walks and talks with artists and activists.
Peak Peers 2024 was its third iteration, beginning life as Platfform Haf in 2022. Participants from previous programmes contributed to the design of Peak Peers 2024 and were part of the selection panel. Peak Peers is generously funded by Arts Council of Wales and Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
Rhaglen wyth diwrnod oedd Cyfoedion Peak 2024, oedd yn gwahodd pobl ifanc i archwilio themâu tir, perthyn, ymgyrchu, a chreadigrwydd, ac sydd wedi’i gwreiddio yn y Mynyddoedd Duon a’r Gororau. Cafodd y rhaglenei chynnal yn ystod mis Medi, mis Hydref a mis Tachwedd 2024, ac yn cynnwys gweithdai creadigol, sgyrsiau a mynd am dro gydag artistiaid ac ymgyrchwyr.
Dyma oedd trydedd flwyddyn Cyfoedion, ar ôl dechrau fel Platfform Haf yn 2022. Mae cyfranogwyr y rhaglenni blaenorol wedi cyfrannu at ddylunio rhaglen Cyfoedion Peak 2024, ac ynrhan o’r panel dewis. Ariennir Cyfoedion Peak drwy haelioni Cyngor y Celfyddydau a Sefydliad Paul Hamlyn.
Learn more about the Peak Pears 2024 contributors
Jannat Ahmed is co-founder and co-editor of Lucent Dreaming magazine and press. She was born and grew up in Barry. She has taught creative writing, digital publishing and film with Cardiff University.
Manon Awst is a Welsh artist who creates sculptures, performances and site-specific artworks woven with ecological narratives. From the patterns of peatlands to the textures of the intertidal zone, she explores ways in which materials stick to and transform locations and communities. She was recently granted a Henry Moore Foundation Artist Award and is currently a Future Wales Fellow as part of Arts Council Wales and Natural Resources Wales’ Creative Nature programme. She lives in Caernarfon and regularly holds workshops and curated events in her local community.
Right to Roam: Nadia Shaikh and Jon Moses
Nadia Shaikh is a naturalist and ornithologist, she has spent most of her career working for nature conservation organisations. She is currently the co-director of the Right to Roam Campaign and her work is focused on how connection to land is vital for reversing biodiversity decline. She leads The Raven Network, a group for people of colour who work in nature conservation who are looking at decolonizing the sector.
Dr Jonathan Moses is a national campaigner with Right to Roam and a writer on ecology on land justice. He has written reportage, features, profiles and commentary on environmental issues for a range of publications including The Guardian, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Great Outdoors and The Lead. He joined the Right to Roam campaign in 2021 after completing a PhD in GeoHumanities. He is co-editor of Wild Service: Why Nature Needs You.
George H. Wale is an artist and designer from Abergavenny working with textiles, sculpture, performance and costume design. Their practice engages with ideas surrounding identity, belonging, materiality and the porosity of the body in its connection to landscape and made environments. George’s work has been platformed by organisations such as g39, Green Man Festival and National Dance Company Wales, with recent exhibitions including the group show ‘We Ran Together— a response’ at g39, Cardiff, supported by Artangel. George also has an established practice as a costume designer for contemporary dance, working with renowned choreographers and companies, with costume works touring nationally and internationally to leading institutions and festivals of dance.
Beverley Bennett is an artist-filmmaker whose work revolves around the possibilities of drawing, performance and collaboration. Her practice is connected to multiple ways of making. The first of these is a concern with the importance of ‘gatherings’ to denote a methodology that differs from the more hierarchical model of the workshop; one person leading and sharing information with participants taking part in the activities. Instead 'gatherings' are cyclical, whereby everyone learns from each other and often formulate in myriad ways, from reading together to gathering at a party. This has created a 'tapestry of voices', an interweaving of communalities and differences that provide a broader view, an important part of amplifying intergenerational relationships. The second is an investigation of The Archive (often beginning projects by creating / adding to an extensive personal archive of interviews, using them for preliminary research and experimentation) and the third is collaboration. This is frequently through socially political work with other creatives, fine artists, community members, young children and their families. Her practice provides spaces for participants to become collaborators and provides a point of focus from where to unpick ideas around what constitutes an art practice and for whom art is generated.
Dysgwch fwy am gyfranogwyr Cyfoedion Peak 2024
Mae Jannat Ahmed yn gyd-sylfaenydd a chyd-olygydd cylchgrawn a gwasg Lucent Dreaming. Cafodd ei geni a'i magu yn y Barri. Mae hi wedi dysgu ysgrifennu creadigol, cyhoeddi digidol a ffilm gyda Phrifysgol Caerdydd.
Artist yw Manon Awst sy’n creu cerfluniau, perfformiadau a gwaith safle-benodol wedi eu plethu â naratifau ecolegol. O glymweithiau corsiog i weadau rhynglanwol, mae hi’n archwilio’r ffyrdd y mae deunyddiau'n glynu at leoliadau a chymunedau ac yn eu trawsnewid. Yn ddiweddar derbyniodd wobr i artistiaid gan yr Henry Moore Foundation ac maehi’n un o Gymrodorion Cymru’r Dyfodol ar hyn o bryd, fel rhan o raglen Natur Greadigol Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Chyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Mae hi’n byw yng Nghaernarfon ac yn cynnal gweithdai a digwyddiadau yn rheolaidd o fewn ei chymuned leol.
Right to Roam: Nadia Shaikh a Jon Moses
Naturiaethwr ac adaregydd yw Nadia Shaikh sydd wedi treulio’r rhan fwyaf o’i gyrfa’n gweithio i sefydliadau cadwraeth natur. Ar hyn o bryd hi yw cyd-gyfarwyddwr ymgyrch Right to Roam ac mae ei gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar sut mae cysylltiad â thir yn hanfodol ar gyfer gwrthdroi dirywiad bioamrywiaeth. Mae hi’n arwain The Raven Network, grŵp ar gyfer pobl o liw sy’n gweithio ym maes cadwraeth natur ac sydd am ddad-drefedigaethu’r sector.
Ymgyrchydd cenedlaethol gyda Right to Roam ac awdur ar ecoleg ar gyfiawnder tir yw Dr Jonathan Moses. Mae wedi ysgrifennu adroddiadau, erthyglau nodwedd, proffiliau a sylwebaeth ar faterion amgylcheddol ar gyfer amrywiaeth o gyhoeddiadau gan gynnwys The Guardian, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Great Outdoors a The Lead. Ymunodd ag ymgyrch Right to Roam yn 2021 ar ôl cwblhau PhD mewn GeoDdyniaethau.
Artist a dylunydd o’r Fenni yw George H. Wale sy’n gweithio gyda thecstilau, cerflunwaith, perfformiad a dylunio gwisgoedd. Mae eu hymarfer yn ymgysylltu â syniadau ynghylch hunaniaeth, perthyn, materoldeb a mandylledd y corff yn ei gysylltiad â thirwedd ac amgylcheddau wedi eu creu. Mae gwaith George wedi’i lwyfannu gan sefydliadau fel g39, Gŵyl y Dyn Gwyrdd a Chwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru, gydag arddangosfeydd diweddar yn cynnwys y sioe grŵp ‘We Ran Together— a response’ yn g39, Caerdydd, gyda chefnogaeth Artangel. Mae gan George hefyd arfer sefydledig fel dylunydd gwisgoedd ar gyfer dawns gyfoes, gan weithio gyda choreograffwyr a chwmnïau enwog, gyda gwisgoedd yn teithio'n genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol i sefydliadau a gwyliau dawns blaenllaw.
Artist a gwneuthurwr ffilmiau yw Beverly Bennett ac mae ei gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar bosibiliadau arlunio, perfformio a chydweithio. Mae ei harfer yn gysylltiedig â sawl ffordd o greu. Mae’r gyntaf o’r rhain yn ymwneud â phwysigrwydd ‘cynulliadau’ i ddynodi methodoleg sy’n wahanol i fodel mwy hierarchaidd y gweithdy; un person yn arwain ac yn rhannu gwybodaeth gyda chyfranogwyr yn cymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau. Yn hytrach, mae ‘cynulliadau’ yn gylchol, lle mae pawb yn dysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd ac yn aml yn ffurfio mewn myrdd o ffyrdd, o ddarllen gyda’i gilydd i ymgynnull mewn parti. Mae hyn wedi creu ‘tapestri o leisiau’, sef cydblethiad o gymunedau a gwahaniaethau sy’n rhoi golwg ehangach – rhan bwysig o ehangu cydberthnasau rhwng cenedlaethau. Mae’r ail yn ymchwiliad o’r Archif (yn aml yn dechrau prosiectau drwy greu / ychwanegu at archif bersonol helaeth o gyfweliadau, gan eu defnyddio ar gyfer ymchwil ac arbrofi rhagarweiniol) a’r drydedd yw cydweithio. Gwneir hyn yn aml drwy waith cymdeithasol wleidyddol gyda phobl greadigol eraill, artistiaid cain, aelodau o’r gymuned, plant ifanc a’u teuluoedd. Mae ei harfer yn darparu gofodau i gyfranogwyr ddod yn gydweithredwyr, ac yn darparu pwynt ffocws o ran rhannu syniadau ynghylch beth yw arfer celf ac ar gyfer pwy y caiff celf ei gynhyrchu.